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Designing Sustainable Urban Futures

Concepts and Practices from Different Countries

Many 21st century cities have the potential to be sustainable and resource-saving living spaces when multifunctional structures, well-integrated transportation infrastructure, and democratic governance processes are present. Sustainable urban futures require a focus on the needs of humans and environmental best practices, as well as on the creative scope for community-driven sustainability innovations. This book is based on contributions from science and practice to the international sympo...

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  • Éditeur : KIT Scientific Publishing
  • Collection : KIT Scientific Publishing
  • Lieu d’édition : Karlsruhe
  • Année d’édition : 2016
  • Publication sur OpenEdition Books : 13 septembre 2019
  • EAN (Édition imprimée) : 978-3-7315-0543-3
  • EAN électronique : 979-10-365-3822-3
  • Nombre de pages : V-156 p.
Marius Albiez, Gerhard Banse, Kenyon C. Lindeman et al.

1. Framework

Armin Grunwald
The Human in the City of the Future

The Challenge of Shaping Future Urban Contexts

2. Research and Development Processes

Oliver Parodi, Marius Albiez, Sarah Meyer-Soylu et al.
“District Future – Urban Lab”

A Real Urban Transition Lab

Ildiko Tulbure
The Sustainable City in Romania

From Vision to Reality

Appakuttan Damodaran et Tanushree Haldar
Peri-Urban Villages of Bangalore, India

Reclaiming the Commons to Cope with Climate Stress and Unsustainable Resource Utilization Systems

3. Opportunities and Challenges for Sustainable Cities

Anja Szypulski

Abundant Potential for Sustainable Housing and Neighbourhood Development

Sandra Huning
Gender & Diversity

Issues and Challenges for the “Just City”

Freya Brandl
eco-com.60+: Communal Living for the Elderly

Ecological, Social and Economical Aspects

4. Sustainable Universities

Ingrid Hemmer et Péter Bagoly-Simó
Making the Campus Sustainable

The Example of the Catholic University of Eichstaett-Ingolstadt


Le texte seul est utilisable sous licence CC BY-SA 4.0. Les autres éléments (illustrations, fichiers annexes importés) sont « Tous droits réservés », sauf mention contraire.

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